Jointing Fibreglass Pipe - Butt & Strap Joints

A butt and strap joint is simple to do. The resulting joint is stronger than the pipe itself. Consult Armatec for full instructions and training. Use only Armatec approved materials.

Pipe ends are cut square, sanded to clean material, butted together and joined with ARMABOND vinyl ester putty. Once cured, the joint is ready to strap. The surfaces are primed just prior to strapping.

Pre-cut layers of glass reinforcing are saturated with resin and consolidated to remove trapped air. This strap is then placed around the joint. Three to four layers of glass can be done at once.

The strap is consolidated with a ribbed roller to remove entrapped air and ensure a leak free joint. This strapping and consolidation process is repeated until the required thickness is reached.

Surfacing tissue is applied as the final layer to achieve a smooth spike free finish. Once cured the joint is resin coated.