Biological Scrubber for odour control at award-winning WWTP

Project Date




Wastewater Treatment Plants

Biological Scrubbers


Selwyn District Council needed cost-effective odour control for the inlet works of their new wastewater treatment plant. 


Armatec installed a Biological Scrubber at the WWTP with inbuilt pH control and nutrient dosing plant, with stack and diffuser to reduce odour levels to acceptable limits. The plant is futureproofed, with space to install a carbon bed as a second stage should it be needed in the future.  


Testing shows that the Biological Scrubber is achieving >99% removal performance from an incoming 11-42ppm H2S  from the 2.0 m3/s air stream. Operators now report that the biological scrubber is operating so well it no longer needs nutrient dosing as is being supplied by the liquid makeup supplied from the plant.