Telling Armatec’s sustainability story. Development of Sustainability Programme with support from ThinkStepANZ. Celebrating achievements to date & encouraging sharing across sectors & supply chains.
Environmental Footprint Focus
Improving the Composites Sector Environmental Footprint
Composite materials already bring so much value to industry, combining high strength with low weight and corrosion-resistant properties. And in many cases, low environmental impact as well.
ECOCOMP 2019, held in Coventry, UK, on June 19-20, was about improving the environmental footprint of the composites industry across all stages of the life cycle – from design to raw materials to life cycle analysis and recycling.
Numerous efforts are being made throughout the industry, including:
- Fibre production with no waste or chemicals
- 100% lignin fibre production
- Bio-based epoxy resins
- Replacing glass fibres with flax
- Replacing carbon fibres with flax
- Free online Life Cycle Assessments
- Circular Economy studies
- Recycling carbon fibres
Take recycling carbon fibres for example. This process uses 10% of the energy required to produce virgin carbon fibres, and the resulting product costs 40% less. This is a clear win for both industry and the environment.
With efforts like this being made across the composites industry, we are well on the way to reducing our environmental impact and protecting our world for generations to come.
The ECOCOMP Conference was well worth attending & we look forward to exploring how these innovations can be included in our business activities.
Highlights from ECOCOMP Conference, from Armatec Business Manager Europe & Middle East; Shane Pope MEMgt, BEng(Chem)
NZTIWF 2019 - Next week in Dunedin
Looking forward to catching up with all those attending the NZTIWF next week! This year Todd Landers is making the trip.
Not registered? Jump on the website: Details below -
Industrial Waters Conference 2019 10-12 April 2019, Dunedin
The 2019 Conference Committee would like to extend a warm invitation out to organisations dealing with water and waste issues, members from all sectors of the industry including scientists, Regional and Territorial Authorities, engineers, suppliers and liquid waste operators.
The group is primarily focused on providing real time solutions to issues facing the Industry, developing national standards and working together as an industry to develop sustainable processes that protect infrastructure and the environment.
One of the themes for the 2019 conference is around the water reform and by the time the conference starts we will be in a better position to discuss what voice we want to put forward. Along with the water reform we will be discussing the pitfalls of incorrect treatment processes and the impact of tourism on the wastewater industry.
With this conference, we look to bring together like-minded people, share in the experiences we have had, discuss the issues we have faced, grow new connections and relationships and hopefully solve or work through potential solutions to current issues.
We look forward to seeing you at the conference.
Register for Industrial Waters Conference 2019 at
WaterNZ 2018 Is Go!
Trades Apprentice Safety Challenge 2018 Won!
Celebrating a win for the combined Armatec & Anzco, A Team. Winners of the 10th Anniversary of Trades Apprentice Safety Challenge in Taranakion on 16 May 2018. Vini Purcell & Iurii Makarenko from Armatec joined forces with Josh Moyle & Bradly Engelberger from Anzco completing the various challenges to take home the top prize, The Master Builders Apprentice Safety Trophy. Second place went to TCM and Clem Electrical, with Fonterra Mechanical receiving third place.
The A Team: Vini Purcell & Iurii Makarenko (Armatec), Josh Moyle & Bradly Engelberger (Anzco)
“The competition consists of a range of practical challenges focusing on safety topics such as first aid, fire safety, working at heights, physical fitness, violence prevention, road safety, and manual handling. The activities are run by local safety groups and construction companies. This year, NPiS and the Taranaki Rural Support Trust ran an activity on mental health and wellbeing.”
Both Vini and Iurii have completed their apprenticeship training through the NZ Marine & Composites Training ITO and are a valued part of our fabrication team here at Armatec. It was great to receive positive remarks from the officials at the event, feeding back that Iurii and Vini are an amazing credit to our company. As with all of our team members we are proud to have them represent Armatec Environmental. Well done guys!
Vini and Iurii complete part of the strength challenge
The annual event is run by Taranaki Construction Safety Group, a volunteer group dedicated to promoting health and safety in construction and building industries in Taranaki.
More information on the background of the annual event and photos of the 2018 event are available on supporter sites, NP Injury Safe and Be Safe.
NZ Environmental Engineering Export - Know How, Can Do, With Heart
Increasing Heavy Duty Coating Offerings & Solutions Discussed
Akzo Nobel are the Licensor of our ‘Ceilcote’ range of heavy duty coatings that we have been successfully supplying and installing in New Zealand and Australia since the 1980s. Between us we are exploring ways to further strengthen more than 40 years of ‘Ceilcote’ coatings in New Zealand and Australia by increasing offerings and solutions for our customers.
When the service is too severe for other coatings, then the ‘Ceilcote’ coating range will have the answers. We have solved many very difficult corrosion problems at pulp and paper mills, chemical plants, dairy factories, car assembly plants, and more with this coatings technology. Effective containment of corrosive chemicals protects against environmental spills/leaks and corrosion of plant equipment.
Thank you to Darin, Richard and James from Akzo Nobel for making the trip to New Plymouth to discuss.
Find out more about Armatec Ceilcote coatings range here:
Darin, Richard and James from Akzo Nobel visit with Ken and Bryan at Armatec.
OMCTS International Odour Conference 2017
The OMCTS 2017 Odour Management Conference brought together leading companies, consultants, researchers, Councils, and more in Los Angeles.
Armatec's Managing Director Ken Holyoake attended the Conference, odour workshop and a site visit to an odour treatment facility run by the Los Angeles Council. The conference confirmed that Armatec's odour control solutions using biotrickling filters and carbon beds are align with the best in the world.
Ken attends breakout workshop
Site Visit to Odour Treatment facility in LA, USA
Ken and Marc
2015 Industry Conferences
Armatec Green Dome® Odour Filter Success Stories
Business is better now for the Mangawhai thanks to the Green Dome® Odour Filter.
The Mangawhai wastewater sewer network is a combination of pressure sewers and a gravity network. The main pump station at Mangawhai Village is located just 10 metres from a gift shop. There were odour complaints from this pump station as soon as it started operation. “The odour was bad. Customers noticed it immediately,” the shop owners said. “But now there hasn’t been even a whiff since you installed it. You wouldn’t even know the pump station was there.” The engineer for the Mangawhai wastewater scheme is very pleased with the result. “The Green Domes® are working well,” he stated.
“The odour was gone as soon as it was installed. It is just fantastic.”
Following the first two successful Green Domes® at Mangawhai in 2010, more than 30 installations have been done throughout New Zealand and Australia to eliminate odour releases from pump stations, air release valves and manholes.
Redwood Forest a more enjoyable destination
Long Mile Road in Rotorua leads to the popular Redwood Forests, a mountain biking and walking recreation area for locals and tourists alike. A roadside sewer air release valve caused a ‘stink’ detracting from the nature experience.
In 2011, a Green Dome® Odour Filter was installed. Instantly the H2S sewage odour was gone. Dennis, a local who walks his dog along this road every day, and was the first to congratulate Armatec for eliminating the odour immediately after installation. “The Green Domes work. Before it was installed, we had complaints about the smell of death at this location” says Riaan Rossouw, principal engineer for Hydrus Engineering Consultants – who bikes this road frequently in the Rotorua Redwood Forest. After Green Domes® were installed, Rotorua District Council received unsolicited phone calls of congratulations for taking care of sewage odours. This is a welcome change from the normal phone calls which are usually complaints when things go wrong.